Jul 3, 2013

Another year in the bag

Albeit this is only the Fourth of July, it has been a full year for me. A year older, but questionably a year wiser by the demonstration of the current geopolitical situation we now find ourselves intertwined. But enough of a topic that makes more enemies than friends. Since last time, I've been hired by Office Depot as one of their logistic support personnel. Sounds very good, except that I've had the most troubling problem of not finding a few small items (ie. A voice recorder and paper punch reinforcers.) Rather troubling in my mind. I'm also still looking for a full time job with the State of Illinois. As I wait the twenty two minutes until the day that this great nation decided to declare its independence from its parents, I too await the dawn to see myself in a new demographic for the telemarketers. And seeing that it is Independance Day for all Americans I must ask why Lil Wayne decided to not just rip down the National Ensign, but to also trample it on the ground, and not expect people to be negative to him. Myself included, I would have turned him into a grease stain if he had even started that with me. I have seen numerous coffins of brothers and sisters in arms draped in her shield and bars, giving their absolute last to this country, so that some no load cumguzzling jizzmop can disrespect the very symbol that that person gave their life?I know that he has the right to do this, but his right was secured by someone who had and have more sac than he will ever hope to have. It's also time for these people to stop hiding behind their right to say absolute bullshit and take accountability for the shit that it causes.

Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Inerni
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brother Forever

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